Progress Report:

Google Drive:

In your client’s folder, create a separate internal folder for Progress Reports. Then, use the following templates as a guideline:

You can

Make a copy of the templates and put the duplicate in the right folder; please DO NOT directly write in the templates.

Naming Format:

In order to keep everything consistent, please name your progress reprots the following way:

Last_First_Month Year_Progress Report

Due Date:

There is no hard due date for a progress report. However, please keep in mind the timeline of the request, and the specific needs.

If a parent is requesting for personal purposes:

  • Understand what they would like to see highlighted in the report - is it mainly the goals, the activities, or the behaviors?

If a parent/teacher is requesting for academic/IEP purposes:

  • Objective measurements such as scores may be necessary to compare initial and current skills