italk’s mission:

We aspire to train clinicians providing the best quality of care to our diverse population.
Here, you can make a difference - a permanent, positive change to someone’s quality of life.

Graduate Clinician Responsibilities:

Client Caseload:

As a graduate student at italk, you are expected to be with us for 6 months - this is to better understand a private clinic setting and have more experience in building relationships with the clients and gaining independence in your skills as a clinician.

Please speak with your supervisor to determine the amount of clinical hours and the type of caseloads that you are looking for.

  • Individual sessions are 30 minutes (1 session)
    Group sessions are 60 minutes (2 sessions)

All client information should be put into the
Master Caseload and updated weekly.

All new client evaluations is approved by the supervisor prior to scheduling!

Check italk’s Scheduling Protocol for further detail on responsibilities.


italk uses Google as a HIPPA compliant domain for our information and resources. The log-in and password information to will be given to you in person. Please use it for:

  • Master Caseload: It is the clinician’s responsibility to update the pre-authorization time period once the approval is sent by the reception team.

  • Templates: use the following templates as a guideline to write:
    - Evaluation Reports
    - Pre-authorization Reports

  • Resources: our drive has extensive amounts of resources and references. If you need help with finding more specific documents, please feel free to reach out to a supervisor or Ms. Eunice.

  • Google Schedule: this Google sheet helps the reception understand the clinician’s expected schedule, if there are any missing sessions or other complications with SimplePractice. Please update this weekly during our meetings.
    - Please gray out the times that you would be unavailable for classes or other responsibilities.

  • Google Chat: your supervisors and the Reception Team will keep in contact with you through Google Chat under iTalk Student - please have your notifications on, and check your emails regularly. You are expected to be emailing the clients directly, CC-ing your supervisor and the Reception Team.


SimplePractice is where you can find all client information and scheduling details. Use it to:

  • Check new client information (ex. intake forms)

  • Input diagnosis codes (tutorial)

  • SOAP notes

  • Upload documentations

  • Check schedules (Keep Google Schedule updated)

  • Put in your availabilities for evaluations, sessions, and conferences for Reception Team to have a better understanding of your schedule.

If you have any questions and need an in-person demo, please reach out to a supervisor.

Weekly Meetings & Expectations:

All clinicians are expected to participate in:

  • Monday Team Meetings at 1PM - 2PM
    - prior to the meeting, please write in the Team Meeting Notes

  • Wednesday Clinic Cleanings at 1PM - 1:30PM

  • Scheduled Individual Meetings with Supervisors
    - please come to the meetings prepared with questions regarding your cases, or other logistical questions such as how to administer evaluations, and so on. We are happy to train you!

Progress Check Week Protocol:

Caregiver education is extremely important. We want to support the caregivers as much as possible throughout the therapy process to better support progress and communication. Every 4 months, a Progress Check Week is held during the first week of: January, April, July, September, October. Graduate clinicians are expected to:

  1. Send out an email regarding Progress Check Week including Zoom link, CC-ing the supervisor.

  2. Confirm times, and location (online or in-person)

  3. Send confirmation to Reception Team through iTalk Student chat.

  4. After the meeting is held, send the caregivers an email including the .pdf of the Goal Tracker.


It is the student’s responsibility to log hours. Please use this Clockhours Template to log your hours, and then submit your total hours on Calipso before your midterm, then your final meeting for approval.

  • Please remind your supervisors when the midterm and finals are due, to properly schedule a meeting on time with your school’s deadlines.

Evaluation to Sessions Process:

  1. Evaluation is scheduled by the reception team and assigned to the clinician at the time that is designated for evaluations or otherwise noted

  2. Clinician is in charge of:
    - making sure that all necessary forms are filled out prior to the evaluation: if not completed, please let reception know so that they can reach out to the clients
    - the full evaluation preparation and assessment scoring with the supervisor (with fading support)
    - Putting in the diagnosis code after the evaluation is completed
    - Talking with the Reception Team to schedule a debrief meeting with the client’s caregiver within a week of the evaluation date

  3. Debrief PPT is completed prior to meeting and sent to the caregivers as a PDF through email afterwards
    1. Clinician goes through clinical findings, and lets the caregivers know that the initial evaluation report will be sent to them within two weeks of the evaluation date
    2. Caregivers are given time to ask questions
    3. Reception Team is asked to join to go through:
    - Insurance or payment information
    - Clinic policies for attendance/cancellation
    - Answer any other questions

  4. Session scheduling:
    - if there is no need to wait for a pre-authorization report, the sessions can be scheduled during the debrief meeting with the Reception Team
    - if a pre-authorization report is required, the clinician will tell the caregivers that the report is being submitted, and the sessions can be scheduled after it has been approved

  5. Report:
    - Submit the first draft of the report using the appropriate report template to your supervisor within a week of the evaluation
    - Final report is expected to be completed by 3 weeks of the evaluation date


It is the clinician’s responsibility to ask for IEPs for those who are receiving speech therapy services in a school system.

  • To be asked quarterly during Progress Check Week

  • Placed into the appropriate IEP folder in the Drive

More Breakdown:

Check out this document to see more of the responsibilities broken down