Google Drive
italk uses Google for communication and database.
Make sure you are savvy with Google Drive to be able to make use of it!
Chat Space: this is where the italk Team can communicate with each other regarding client information. This should be the only place you communicate about sensitive client information online.
[Your Name] Updates
Gmail: this is the clinician’s only mode of communication apart from the Reception Team phone line to send and receive information from clients. Read through:
Professional Etiquette
Gmail Protocol
Master Caseload: It is the clinician’s responsibility to:
update client list (new client information, discharged clients removed, # of sessions)
update Pre-auth beginning & end dates after the fax information is received through Reception Team
check for Pre-auth deadlines, clinicians must submit reports through Google Chat Updates space 2 weeks prior to the termination date
Google Schedule: this Google sheet helps the reception understand the clinician’s expected schedule, if there are any missing sessions or other complications with SimplePractice. Please update this weekly during our meetings.
Resources: our drive has extensive amounts of resources and references. If you need help with finding more specific documents, please feel free to reach out to a supervisor or Ms. Eunice.
It is the clinician’s responsibility to ask for IEPs for those who are receiving speech therapy services in a school system.
To be asked quarterly during Progress Check Week
Placed into the appropriate IEP folder in the Drive
Templates: use the following templates as a guideline to write:
- Evaluation Reports
- Pre-authorization Reports
- Medical Necessity Letters
Reception Team:
Chat Space: this is where the italk Team can communicate with each other regarding client information. This should be the only place you communicate about sensitive client information online.
Reception Team Space
[Clinician Names] Updates: use these spaces to communicate with the respective clinicians regarding:
Evaluations/Session scheduling
New Client Checklist
Cancellation notices
Pre-authorization Fax Notices
Additional information requested by insurance
Gmail: Reception Team emails clients for monthly notices, or receives scheduling information that was not sent through RingCentral. Read through:
Professional Etiquette
Gmail Protocol
Master Caseload: It is the Reception Team’s responsibility to:
check list for new client emails to update the mass email contacts
check list for pre-authorization deadlines - clinicians send the pre-auth 2 weeks prior to the deadline, and Reception Team submits the day of termination
Google Schedule: this Google sheet is used in conjunction to the SimplePractice calendar to check for any scheduling differences. Check for:
missing sessions - SimplePractice often schedules 30 sessions at a time, and does not notify the clinicians or the Reception of the session termination date - use the Google Schedule to make sure the sessions are scheduled ahead of time to send notification texts to clients/caregivers at least 24 hours in advance
check for availability - SimplePractice availabilities may not be as updated or consistent, use this as a back-up for SimplePractice in the case of scheduling: new clients, session changes, make-ups
Resources: use the drive to access:
- italk Waitinglist
- Sign-in Sheet
- Daily Copay MasterSheet
- Insurance Calls Sheet
- New Clients Checklist Folder
- Provider Links
- Monthly Claims Tracker Sheet
Templates: use the following templates as a guideline to write:
- Clinician Absence Emails
- New Client Checklist Template